- Elizabeth M. Moorhead, Director
- Jean Benn
About Basset Rescue
BASSET HOUND RESCUE OF NEW MEXICO, INC., is a non-profit organization dedicated to rescuing Bassets from kill shelters and from the streets, then placing them in loving, permanent homes. The first official rescue occurred in mid-Decemaber 1995 when Elizabeth Moorhead received a call from a rescue group in Santa Fe informing her of a Basset at the Albuquerque Animal Shelter that needed to be rescued immediately. She went to the shelter the next day only to learn that this was a young Basset-Labrador cross.
Not really knowing what to do with this dog or how she would get him adopted, she did indeed complete the necessary forms at the shelter. However, when she returned to the his kennel, she found a family admiring this short, black, long eared doggie. They really wanted that dog, but understood that he had already been adopted. She told them that she was the adoptor and that she was only going to re-adopt him. They then returned to the shelter office where the family completed the new forms and Elizabeth received a refund. The proud new mom and pop and two children then happily carried their new doggie to their vehicle and to his new home.
BHRNM was originally organized by Elizabeth M. Moorhead. Jean Benn joined a few months later. Basset Rescue received training and adopted the Bassets under the guidance of Peoples AntiCruelty Association (PACA) for next seven years. During the fall of 2003, this rescue organization was granted tax exempt, 501 (c) (3) non-profit status by the Internal Revenue Service and received incorporation status by the State of New Mexico.
The first All Basset Hound Waddle was held in May 2000 at Hoffmantown Park in Albuquerque with about fifty-five Bassets attending. The Annual Waddles are the main fund raising effort for BHRNM. Basset Hound Rescue of New Mexico, Inc. can only continues to grow through the help of our volunteers, foster parents, and by donations. BHRNM currently places an average of sixty Bassets per year with happy, loving adoptive parents. We owe our successful adoptions to our many volunteers and benefactors.