Foster Homes
Providing a foster home for a needy Basset could be the most important way to help! These dogs have nowhere to go and otherwise could be euthanized.
You will love and care for your the dog, evaluating them for their temperament and what the like and don't like. You'll find out if they have any special needs, and whether they are suited to a home with children or other animals. You may need to help nurse them back to health (all veterinary expenses are paid by Basset Rescue).
Foster care usually lasts about 3 weeks. In special cases, especially if there is a medical need, these hounds may need to be fostered for a longer time before they are ready for adoption.
Please call send an email or call Elizabeth Moorhead at 505-242-2239 if you can help fostering a needy Basset Hound.
Other Ways to Help
We understand that you may not be able to foster a needy Basset. Perhaps you have small children, you don't have needed outdoor space or your work schedule won't allow you to give the extra attention to evaluate the dog or nurse him back to health. There are many ways to help, and every contribution is appreciated!